Monday, 17 December 2007

The female g spot

the famous G-spot is one of the most popular topics on websites dealing with gender issues. Click this body part was the name German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg, the first to describe the small area behind the pubic bone and around the urethra.

This point has risen to popular fame because it is said to promote more intense and satisfying orgasms, not to mention being able to trigger female ejaculation for many men are curious to know. G-Spot stimulation was also very popular books on sex issues as a bonus for happy couples and a true miracle for men not to please their ladies.

It is believed by some experts that the G-Spot is actually a place through which the nerves that serve the clitoris pass on their way to the connection point in the spine column.Others that has evolved as a stimulation area that triggers the final stage of labor. It has been speculated that children coming out of the uterus push this precise sport with their heads, causing a stronger contraction of the walls of the vagina in order to send the child.
In order to stimulate the G-Spot, men should position their penis for a thrust that is opposite to the stimulation of the clitoris. A penis that curves upward has the natural ability to strike the vaginal wall in the area around the point G, while men with downward curvatures can try doggy style.

The G-Spot can also be stimulated by the finger or tongue. It would take a 1 to 3-inch penetration of the vagina, since the exact distance varies from woman to woman. They found that changes in tissue structure occurring beyond the age of 30 years that the G-Spot easier to reach. This is why some women in their thirties believe they are experiencing their sexual peak.

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