Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Alternative Impotence Treatments for the Older Gentleman

Erectile dysfunction does not have to be a part of aging. It is true that as you age, you may need more stimulation (such as stroking and touching) to get an erection. Also might need more time between erections. But there is no reason why older men should not be able to get an erection and enjoy sex.

Erectile dysfunction is very common. Although it tends to be more common in the group older than 40 years of age, can affect men of all ages. Studies have shown that:

- 52% of all men between the ages of 40 and 70 have some degree of erectile dysfunction.
- At least one in ten men can not get an erection at all (referred to as "complete erectile dysfunction").
- Most of the causes of erectile dysfunction are physical in nature.
- There is a strong association between age and ED: 39% of men at the age of 40 and 67% at age 70 are affected by ED minimal, moderate or complete.

The most common physical causes of old age erectile dysfunctions are:

- Alcohol and drug snuff
- Fatigue
- The brain or spinal cord
- Hypogonadism (which leads to low testosterone levels)
- Hepatic or renal insufficiency
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson's disease
- Radiation therapy to the testicles
- Stroke
- Some types of surgery for prostate cancer or bladder
- High blood pressure
- High blood sugar
- Hardening of the arteries

There is also the possibility that their erection problems are caused by certain medications you are using. In this case, your doctor may be able to change your medication.
psychological problems that can lead to erectile dysfunction:

- Feeling nervous about sex, perhaps because of a bad experience or a previous episode of impotence
- Feeling stressed, including stress from work or family situation
- Being troubled by problems in your relationship with your sex partner
- Feeling depressed
- Feeling so self-conscious that you can not enjoy sex
- Thinking that your partner is reacting negatively to you

If you decide to seek help from a therapist is likely to be most effective if your sex partner is included. Couples can learn new ways to please one another and to show affection. This can reduce anxiety about having erections.

Today you have the option of a number of new erectile dysfunction treatments, so seek help immediately. You can start by talking to your doctor or therapist or you can seek alternative treatments for penile impotence.

You can find a variety of educational and support web sites on the Internet where you can learn a lot about your condition and what is causing and can talk and find support from people like you. The Internet is the place to start your research on alternative treatments.

Unfortunately, it is also the place where you will find an incredible number of web sites complete with roads, unsupported claims for wonder cures that can treat your penile dysfunction in 30 days or less. Herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction have been around for several years and still be here for long.

Herbal remedies do not have to spend all clinical trials and marketing can make a claim. They do nothing but post their opinions and views of customers about the products they sell.

Just make sure you do not be fooled into spending hundreds of dollars on vitamins and plant extracts that can be purchased at any pharmacy for a couple of dollars.

For more information about a natural method for treating erectile dysfunction in the older man
orders your product here