Both penis enlargement exercises and devices, whether traction devices or pumps, work by stretching the tissue that makes up the penis. The aim of this procedure is to force the tissue to respond to stretching by expanding, which would enable it to hold more blood during erections. While this approach to penis enlargement is safe when done correctly, there's still a couple of things to keep in mind.
And finally, your warm up method should be matched by an appropriate warm down method. Make sure the extra blood has left your penis and use massage to speed up tissue recovery. Also check your penis for painful spots. The presence of such spots means you should go slower next time, at least until the tissue has recovered to stand stretching two times more
While the destroy is natural should not be a cause for concern if you perform the exercises or wear the traction tool as prescribed, overusing devices or performing the exercises incorrectly could lead to problems. Always remember to warm up before exercises. Warming up before exercises is crucial to safe penis enlargement and is not a bad idea for SizeGenetics users either. Using warm water, or a warm cloth, you can make your penis much more receptive to the selected enlargement procedure. This, in turn, will help you gain inches faster.